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I’ve been working as an engineer on the growth team at Airbnb for a couple of months now.


Since I’m in an environment full of passionate developers, I wanted to share some of the good engineering traits I’ve observed in the engineers around me. Specifically, the growth engineers.

由于我处在一个充满热情的开发人员的环境中,因此我想分享一些我在周围的工程师中观察到的良好工程特征。 具体来说,就是成长工程师。

成长团队 (Growth team)

First, if you’re not familiar with what a growth team is, here is some background. Growth teams are data-driven groups that drive the growth of product at companies. They are composed of data scientists, designers, engineers, product managers, and marketers. A pretty eclectic selection of people.

首先,如果您不熟悉成长团队,那么这里有一些背景知识。 成长团队是数据驱动的小组,负责推动公司产品的增长。 它们由数据科学家,设计师,工程师,产品经理和营销人员组成。 相当折衷的人选。

Growth teams run experiments. Experiments test new product experiences against old ones. The goal of experiments is to optimize metrics like activation, engagement, and conversion.

成长小组进行实验。 实验可以将新产品的体验与旧产品进行对比。 实验的目的是优化指标,如激活,参与度和转化。

You can think of experiments like a game of hot and cold. You run an experiment, you move in a direction, and the data tells you if you’re hot or cold. You keep doing this until you reach the hot spot.

您可以将实验想像成冷热游戏。 您进行实验,向某个方向移动,然后数据会告诉您是冷还是热。 您一直这样做直到到达热点。

Traditionally, experiments are composed of a hypothesis, test, outcome, and learning.


Hypothesis: A product hypothesis is a statement based on a set of assumptions about a product. For example, the growth team at Medium might make the following hypothesis:

假设:产品假设是基于对产品的一组假设的陈述。 例如,Medium的成长团队可能做出以下假设:

“If we automatically open the iOS Medium app every time a user goes to Medium on their mobile browser, we will drive more traffic to our iOS app.”
“如果每次用户在其移动浏览器上进入Medium时,我们自动打开iOS Medium应用,我们将为我们的iOS应用带来更多流量。”

Test: A test is a lightweight prototype of the feature or solution suggested in the product hypothesis. It is designed to validate the product hypothesis and its assumptions.

测试:测试是产品假设中建议的功能或解决方案的轻量级原型。 它旨在验证产品假设及其假设。

Outcome: The outcome is the results of the test.


Learning: The learning is the insight that growth teams gain from the data gathered from the experiment.


The main takeaway is that growth teams approach problems in a structured and scientific way. This mentality reflects the problem solving techniques that engineers use to come up with solutions.

主要的收获是成长团队以结构化和科学的方式解决问题。 这种心态反映了工程师用来提出解决方案的问题解决技术。

成长工程师 (Growth engineers)

Growth engineers use experimentation to move fast and build momentum. They are rigorous in their methodologies and there is a lot that can be learned from them.

成长工程师使用实验来快速行动并建立动力。 他们的方法学很严格,可以从中学到很多东西。

成长工程师不怕错 (Growth engineers are not afraid to be wrong)

Growth engineers embrace failure. If a product hypothesis is wrong, as long as there was learning, the growth team can come out net positive.

成长工程师拥抱失败。 如果产品假说是错误的,只要有学习经验,成长团队就可以得出积极的结论。

Because of this mentality, growth engineers understand that they don’t always have to have the right answer. The optimize for learning. They listen and learn from users.

由于这种心态,成长工程师了解他们不一定总是有正确的答案。 优化学习。 他们倾听并向用户学习。

Good engineers learn from their failures. Ultimately, this mentality leads to better technical and product outcomes.

好的工程师从失败中学习。 最终,这种心态导致更好的技术和产品成果。

成长工程师专注于指标 (Growth engineers focus on metrics)

Growth engineers carefully instrument their tests. When running an experiment, they define a set of metrics they want to track. Then they add ways to collect anonymized data to what they build.

成长工程师仔细测试他们的测试。 在进行实验时,他们定义了一组要跟踪的指标。 然后,他们添加了收集匿名数据的方法。

Let’s say a growth team wanted measure the effectiveness of a modal signup experience. An engineer would build the experience. They would then add tracking to see how many people signed up using the new experience versus the old one.

假设一个成长团队想要衡量模式注册体验的有效性。 工程师会积累经验。 然后,他们将添加跟踪,以查看有多少人使用了新的体验而不是旧的体验。

Using a data-driven approach, growth engineers can iterate toward an optimal product experience.


Good engineers define success metrics. Metrics move them towards an explicit goal. Metrics also prevents them from losing focus and getting distracted by things like new technologies and unnecessary complexity.

好的工程师定义成功指标。 指标使他们朝着明确的目标迈进。 度量标准还可以防止他们失去注意力并被新技术和不必要的复杂性等因素分散注意力。

For example, an infrastructure engineer’s success metric might be to reduce the build time of an app. The engineer could run a series of experiments to identify the severeness of the different performance bottlenecks. Using the data from the experiments, the engineer would be able to better identify where they could have the most impact.

例如,基础架构工程师的成功指标可能是减少应用程序的构建时间。 工程师可以进行一系列实验来确定不同性能瓶颈的严重性。 利用来自实验的数据,工程师将能够更好地确定它们可能在哪些方面产生最大的影响。

成长工程师测试边缘案例 (Growth engineers test for edge cases)

Good growth engineers carefully consider edge cases when building and testing new experiences.


Imagine an engineer is trying to optimize a signup flow with an experiment. The old experience was a full page redirect to a signup or login page. The new experience is a modal.

想象一下,工程师正在尝试通过实验优化注册流程。 旧的经验是将整页重定向到注册或登录页面。 新的体验是一种模式。

An edge case for the modal experience might be that on iOS 8, the modal fails to open. If the engineer fails to cover this case, then the results of the modal experiment might show a drop in signups, even though the modal experience was better.

模态体验的一个极端案例可能是在iOS 8上,模态无法打开。 如果工程师无法解决这种情况,那么模态实验的结果可能会显示注册人数减少,即使模态体验更好。

Good engineers test for edge cases. They work toward delivering delightful experience for everyone, not just the majority.

好的工程师会测试边缘情况。 他们致力于为所有人(不仅是大多数人)提供愉快的体验。

成长工程师务实 (Growth engineers are pragmatic)

A lot of growth engineers have pragmatic attitudes towards making technical decisions.


A growth team might come up with an idea for a new product feature. A good growth engineer would figure out how to build a prototype to validate the feature. The prototype might not be perfect but it gets the job done.

成长团队可能会提出新产品功能的想法。 一个好的成长工程师会想出如何构建原型来验证功能的方法。 原型可能并不完美,但是可以完成工作。

Once the feature is validated, meaning it’s something users want, then the engineer would go on to refactor the code. This approach reduces the amount of engineering time spent on features that end up getting retired.

一旦功能通过验证,这就是用户想要的功能,那么工程师将继续重构代码。 这种方法减少了最终淘汰的功能所花费的工程时间。

Seasoned software engineers knows that there is a trade off between moving fast and taking the time to ship perfect code. Being pragmatic means that an engineer can evaluate trade offs and identify the route that ultimately increases the productivity of their team.

经验丰富的软件工程师知道,在快速移动和花时间发布完美代码之间要权衡取舍。 务实意味着工程师可以评估折衷方案并确定最终提高团队生产力的途径。

成长工程师具有良好的产品直觉 (Growth engineers have good product intuition)

Product intuition is the intangible ability to make good product decisions. It comes from being passionate about building products and observant of the products available today.

产品直觉是做出良好产品决策的无形能力。 它来自对建筑产品的热情和对当今可用产品的观察。

Growth engineers need good product intuition. Experiments are designed to collect data to test product assumptions. However, without product intuition, no assumptions can be made.

成长工程师需要良好的产品直觉。 实验旨在收集数据以测试产品假设。 但是,如果没有产品的直觉,就无法做出任何假设。

Product intuition is an asset to all engineers. It brings them one step closer to their users. The more accurate product assumptions are, the more time teams can spend on building the right features.

产品直觉是所有工程师的财富。 这使他们离用户更近了一步。 产品假设越准确,团队就可以花更多的时间来构建正确的功能。

There is a lot we can learn from listening to and observing the engineers around us. Surround yourself with people smarter than you.

通过聆听和观察我们周围的工程师,我们可以学到很多东西。 与比您更聪明的人在一起。

A big thanks to for teaching me the ropes as a growth engineer.


What traits do you consider important in an engineer? Leave a note below or at me.

您认为工程师的哪些特质很重要? 在下面留言或给我。

You can find me on Medium where I publish every week. Or you can follow me on , where I post non-sensical ramblings about design, front-end development, and virtual reality.

您可以在我每周出版的Medium上找到我。 或者,您可以在关注我,在该处我发布有关设计,前端开发和虚拟现实的无意义的杂谈。

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PS:如果您喜欢这篇文章,那么如果单击“?”将有很多意义。 并与朋友分享。




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